I started to write on Thursday about what a great time we had at the ladies' Bible study in Iguluibi (where there is a Calvary Chapel) and I was just so tired I couldn't stay up even one minute later to write. But just a quickie about it tonight: One of the things that most women here in Uganda cannot do is read or hear the Scriptures and understand what it means. There are several reasons. One of the main ones is that very few women here can read - whether it be English or their own language. Especially in the villages, most women went only a few years to school and they never learned to read. Another reason is that they have not been taught and have not practiced hearing a passage and understanding it. So most people here learn "what they believe" about Jesus, salvation, and Bible from listening to someone else read (or not) the Bible and then telling them what it says and means. Many "Bible teachers" here will just pick one verse of the Bible and read it and then "teach" for one or two hours on whatever they want to teach about, whether it pertains to that Scripture or not. So people can so easily be led astray by false teaching because they have no way to refute what is being taught. We have a bit of an advantage in teaching the Gospel because Calvary Chapel believes in teaching through a book of the Bible expositorially, verse by verse, so that people can hear the actual Word for themselves and cover virtually every subject God speaks about instead of just touching on favorite topics. When we teach through a book, people can hear the continuous Word of God for themselves and that is so important! But the schools here do not teach you to read something and then understand it, so for the last few years the Bible studies I teach do something a little bit different. We do teach through a book of the Bible - and I do read it aloud - and one of the wonderful Ugandan women who work with me translates (sometimes three different translations in three different languages all at the same time), and then I teach on the passage. But I don't teach for the full Bible study time. I prepare in advance a question sheet about the Scripture we are studying that day, and then the women break into small groups led by our Ugandan staff women to answer those questions. This was incredibly "foreign" and difficult for them at first and the questions had to be incredibly simple and specific. For example, the Scripture that says "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth," would be followed by questions like "When were the heavens and the earth created?" and "Who created the heavens and the earth?" Now when I ask questions, there can actually be some thought and discussion about the answers. The women LOVE learning the Scriptures this way! And just the last three months, I not only have been asking questions, but also am starting to list verses that deal with our topic and without my teaching that verse, they read it and discuss it among themselves, again with our Ugandan staff ladies leading the groups. This way the Ugandans teach as much as I do, and the ladies learn in their own languages. And they really are learning! And last Thursday, they were understanding so well that they could actually point out specific examples that they had seen in their lives and the lives of others and they were LAUGHING about these things together! This may sound really strange to our "Western" ears where we have a totally different way of learning and this is fairly commonplace to us, but here in Uganda it is SO DIFFERENT and I am so excited about two things: One, that our Ugandan staff (Julie, Mary, Lilian, Rodah, and Grace) are leading the groups and doing the teaching themselves, and Two, that the women in the groups are learning, enjoying the study, and applying it to their lives! This last Thursday in particular just gave me such joy, watching them discuss and laugh and work together to learn God's Word! I just can't really describe it, but I hope you understand a little of what I am talking about!
God bless you, and please pray for these ladies!!
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